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Galvanize Data Science Immersive

In This Report:

Data Science Immersive Skills

The Galvanize Data Science Immersive course teaches the following skills.

Data Science

Galvanize Data Science Immersive Locations

No Offered Online
7 Cities

Galvanize offers bootcamps in 7 different cities.

Location This Course Location Overall
San Francisco
New York City

Data Science Immersive Admissions

The following are some other admissions-related factors to look into that we were not sure about.

Admission Factor Details                    
Prior Experience
Entry Test

Data Science Immersive Cost

$17,980 Course Cost (USD)

The Galvanize Data Science Immersive bootcamp costs $17,980.. The program offers the following cost-related benefits.

Financing We partner with SkillsFund and Climb Credit for students who need help financing their tuition.
Scholarship We offer scholarships based on merit, demonstrated financial need, and increasing participation in technology among underrepresented groups such as women, veterans, minorities, and people who identify as LGBT.

The following are some other cost-related factors to consider that they either do not offer or we were not sure about.

Cost Factor Details                    
Living Stipend
Payment Plan
Cost Deferral
Income Sharing Agreement (ISA)
Trial Period

Data Science Immersive Completion Rates

80% Completion Rate
80% Graduate On-Time

To complete Data Science Immersive, students are expected to invest between 40 and 40 hours per week and will typically complete the material in days. Of course, everyone progresses at their own pace.

Most Students Graduate

Of the 15 students that enrolled in the Galvanize Data Science Immersive course in the first half of 2019, 80% of them graduated.

Galvanize Data Science Immersive Outcomes

Most Students Graduate On-Time

While course is listed as taking 94 days to complete, 80% of students finished in that time.

An additional 0% of students take up to 141 days to complete the course (150% of the expected time).

Graduated Within Percentage of Students
100% of expected time (94 days) 80%
150% of expected time (141 days) 80%

Data Science Immersive Employment Outcomes

60% Employed in Field
$115,000 Median Salary
60% of graduates have found employment in their field within six months with a median pay of $115,000

Employment Status Percentage of Graduates
Full-time employee (30+ hours/week, 6+ months) 60
Could not contact 13.3
Still seeking a job in-field 26.7
Graduates who are now employed report that the most common job they obtain is **Data Scientist**. Overall they report holding the following types of positions:
Job Title Percentage of Employed Graduates
Data Scientist 44.4
Senior Data Scientist 22.2
Data Engineer 11.1
Programmer Writer 11.1
Machine Learning Engineer 11.1
Six months after graduating this course, students report a median pay of $115,000
Salary Bracket Percentage of Employed Graduates
Under $80,000 22.2
$80,000-$90,000 11.1
$90,000-$100,000 0
$100,000-$110,000 11.1
$110,000-$120,000 11.1
Over $120,000 44.4

Galvanize Data Science Immersive Ratings

4.6 / 5.0 Course Rating (64 reviews)
4.5 / 5.0 School Rating (177 reviews)

64 total reviews were submitted by Galvanize students who gave the Data Science Immersive Bootcamp an overall rating of 4.6 out of 5.0 stars.

The following is an overview of the Galvanize ratings we have aggregated from around the web to help make your search easier.

Source Rating Reviews
Course Report 4.6 / 5.0 64

Rating Factor Breakdown

Reviewers gave the following ratings on various aspects of the programs.

Factor Rating
Overall Experience
Job Assistance

Contact Galvanize

Check out some of the following resources for more information about Galvanize.

Resource Info
Email [email protected]


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