function getUrlParameter(sParam) { var sPageURL =; var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if (sParameterName[0] == sParam) { return sParameterName[1]; } } } function paramPresent(paramName) { return getUrlParameter(paramName) !== void 0 && getUrlParameter(paramName) != ""; } // Map DMS values to QS values var areaOfInterestMapping = { "1" : "CRIMINAL-JUSTICE-LEGAL-SAFETY", // criminal justice "3" : "BUSINESS", // business "14" : "COMPUTERS-TECHNOLOGY", // information technology "18" : "ART-DESIGN", // art and design "23" : "HEALTH-HEALTHCARE-NURSING", // healthcare "27" : "PSYCHOLOGY-COUNSELING-MENTAL-HEALTH", // psychology "33" : "EDUCATION-TEACHING", // education "40" : "LIBERAL-ARTS", // general "175" : "VOCATIONAL-TRADE", // trade skills "229" : "ENGINEERING-ARCHITECTURE", // science and engineering // cadvsr 2 qs form "CriminalJustice": "CRIMINAL-JUSTICE-LEGAL-SAFETY", //"Criminal Justice & Legal", "Business": "BUSINESS", //"Business & Communications", "Computers": "COMPUTERS-TECHNOLOGY", //"Technology", "Art": "ART-DESIGN", //"Fine Arts & Design", "Healthcare": "HEALTH-HEALTHCARE-NURSING", //"Health, Nursing, Medicine", "Psychology": "PSYCHOLOGY-COUNSELING-MENTAL-HEALTH", //"Social and Behavioral Sciences", "Educaton": "EDUCATION-TEACHIN", //"Education & Teaching", "Trade": "VOCATIONAL-TRADE", //"Vocational Training", }; // If these URL params are present, add them to q AND customParams var studyArea = 'BUSINESS'; if (paramPresent('study_area_id')) { studyArea = areaOfInterestMapping[getUrlParameter('study_area_id')] } else if (paramPresent('area_of_study')) { studyArea = areaOfInterestMapping[getUrlParameter('area_of_study')] }